Jesus Wept

You probably know that John 11:35 is the shortest verse in the Bible. It packs a punch!  John writes two words that echo across the years – from the Garden of Eden to the tomb of Lazarus, to the end of this age:  “Jesus wept.”
This powerful verse describes what Jesus Christ did during an emotionally charged event – a funeral.  What makes this so unusual?  After all, people often cry at funerals.  Yes, but on this occasion we see God crying at a funeral.  Many suggest He cried because His good friend Lazarus had died.  And that may be partly true; however, I believe He cried for reasons that go much deeper.
First of all, Jesus Christ did not simply cry – He wailed.  His eyes were more than moist.  An emotional dam broke deep within the Master, as tears cascaded down His face and a loud moan overrode the already high-pitched sounds of paid mourners. 
Surely, our Savior’s thoughts traveled back in time to the Garden of Eden.  He recalled the very moment when Adam and Eve disobeyed God   He watched as human perfection was overturned by sin, then, sickness and ultimately death. He saw the ugliness of sin played out on the stage of human history.  He stood alongside Lazarus’ two grief-stricken sisters outside the tomb, now four days occupied; and He wept! 
Perhaps He thought, “This was never meant to be.  This was never the Father’s plan.  It did not have to be this way.”  Then, with righteous anger, the Lord commanded the rock to be moved; and in a voice that blasted Satanic strongholds, said, “Lazarus, come forth!” 
Immediately, resurrection life flowed through a wrapped corpse long affected by rigor mortis and Lazarus walked out!  I personally believe that had Jesus Christ not specifically said “Lazarus,” multitudes that died in faith since Adam’s time would have risen as well! 
Several days later, Jesus would go to Jerusalem, endure six trials – three of them mock and illegal; be savagely beaten, hung on a cruel cross and die.  Three days later, the “Resurrection and life” would rise from the dead, defeating death and hell.  Death died that day!  What happened outside of Lazarus’ tomb was a precursor to the hope that’s ours who have placed our faith and trust in Jesus’ saving grace.
The risen Son of God still weeps at funerals, but now He weeps over those who reject His finished work on the cross and who forfeit resurrection power that makes possible eternal life with Christ.  Don’t reject the resurrected Christ!



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